What is eaten raw


People are good at deceiving themselves. We don't eat fish, but we like ceviche and sushi. We're afraid of raw kebabs, but we eat tartar, carpaccio and the German gourmet mett on a crispy bun. It's all about habits and presentations.

However, there are categories of raw dishes that only those who invented this food can become accustomed to. The pulsating heart of a cobra, an ice cream made from fish milk and whale oil, and the tentacles of a clinging octopus throat.

These ingredients include some of the finest raw dishes from other countries. We never had to embrace the vastness, so we decided to look around and understand who's good at what.


The Japanese habit of eating raw fish has long been recognized worldwide as natural. The Japanese invented sushi and sashimi that are now cooked everywhere from Yalta to Quebec. However, the Japanese also devised the less popular shirako (or shirako), shiruo no odori gui and katsu ika odori don. Let's start in order.

It is believed that sushi appeared in Japan thanks to the inhabitants of South Asia. Once upon a time, canned fish was made by mixing rice and salt, and this method of storage was brought to Japan in the 7th century. Whether this is true or not is unknown. However, in the 19th century, Tokyo chef Yohei Hanaya is known to break tradition and serve clean, fresh rice on a plate topped with raw fish. Since then, several variations of sushi have appeared with different shapes and different names.

Sashimi is simply small, clean fish or seafood served beautifully on a plate. Sashimi is served with soy sauce, ginger, radish or lotus. According to tradition, an odd number of pieces must be placed on the plate, and the fish must be killed in a special way. The brain is punctured and then quickly cooled. Sashimi has several close relatives. Basashi - Oily horse meat cut into translucent pieces and served with sauce. Torisashi - thin slices of chicken; Only the surface of the chicken is treated and the center is raw.

Shirako (shirako) is a traditional Japanese dish far from the popularity of sushi. These are fish milk salted or lightly boiled and then deep-fried in breadcrumbs. The milk tastes like cream cheese and should be eaten with lemon, onion and sauce.

Shiruo no Odori Grill is a national favorite, meaning you have to squirm and eat raw fish soaked in vinegar. They recommend eating quail eggs.

Katsuika Odori Don is a bit like Shiruo no Odori Grill. Raw squid over a pile of rice and vegetables. Pour soy sauce into the squid's tentacles and start wriggling. But by that time the squid had already been decapitated, the movements were reflexive, and no one suffered.


Koreans are famous for he (sashimi, or ho), a cooking method adopted in China. H - Fish and meat with all kinds of additives: raw meat with soy sauce and sesame oil, raw octopus marinated in soy sauce, raw beef liver with salt and sesame oil, etc. In most cases, freshly made mochi or a bowl of rice is attached.

A separate and striking variant of he-sannakchi. Octopus tentacles flavored with sesame oil and sesame seeds. A characteristic feature of wildcats is that their tentacles keep moving and sticking while eating, which can cause discomfort or danger to the eater. Therefore, it is necessary to approach Sannakchi together with the master.


Like the Japanese, Peruvian love for raw food quickly crossed borders and was not exotic. Ceviche - finely chopped fish or seafood of various types. Before serving, the product is marinated in lime juice or "tiger milk" for 15 minutes, which is the same marinade of lime, soy sauce, ginger, brandy and sesame oil as orange juice. The invention of the ceviche was due to the Peruvian fishermen who decontaminated their fish in this way and went to sea. Traditionally in Peru, ceviche is served with popcorn, sweet potato, onion, coriander, celery, chili and hot rocoto peppers. Ceviche can be made from veal and poultry, but mostly fish.


There are many ethnic groups in Russia, so there is a wide variety of national food. One of the most famous dishes of North Koreans is mak tak. Traditional Eskimo, Nenets and Chukchi dishes are frozen whale oil and hides. Butterfly, narwhal or beluga whales can be used as raw materials. Maktak is mostly eaten raw, but there are also cases where it is pickled or rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in oil.

Also in Chukotka they eat upu. These are the primitive ascidians (sea animals that live at the bottom of all seas and oceans) that the locals call sea potatoes. Ascidians are mixed with onions, pour vinegar and oil.

Evenks feed on bone marrow from the tubular bones of deer or elk legs. Hunters sometimes organize cattle eating contests. The winner was the one who had mastered the entire bone marrow of an animal.

Stroganina is famous in Northern and Siberia. Fish, frozen and cut into thin shavings - ideally white fish breeds and caught on ice. Stroganin is common among the Yakuts, Eskimos, and Komis. Slice the product and spread it thinly on a plate so that it does not have time to thaw. Macanina - a mixture of salt and black pepper is used as a flavoring additive for stroganin.

The inhabitants of the Far East eat tala. It is thinly sliced ​​white fish meat mixed with vinegar, onion, salt and pepper. Red deer and elk are used. In a similar way, northerners prepare sugudai (white fish, mulberry, chir or other pieces of fish mixed with onion, salt and pepper, poured with vinegar and vegetable oil). Sometimes grated apples are added to the fish.

Yakuts treat fish a little differently. They invented the popular Indigirka salad, which is not actually a salad, but an appetizer. Ice-frozen boils, mulberries or, for example, grits are cut into pieces and mixed with juicy onions, salt, pepper and vegetable oil.

Greenland, Canada and Alaska

The whale oil mactak mentioned above is also eaten in Greenland, Alaska and Canada.

Alaskan Eskimos eat another rare species, the tepa. They are prepared as follows. Salmon heads and sometimes whole fish without organs are placed in wooden barrels and buried in the ground for a week or two. Then they take it out and eat it.

Eskimos also cook akutak, such as ice cream. It is a blend of lard and melted fat from elk, seal or reindeer, to which a variety of toppings (berries, fragrant roots or herbs) are added. The sweetness of akutaku is given by plain sugar. There's a savory version of akutaka where at the last minute pieces of meat or fish interfere with the fat mass.


Scots save themselves from bad weather with the eggnog drink, which is a mixture of chicken eggs, milk or cream, strong alcohol and spices. A hot drink for Christmas is served. It can be cold, hot and non-alcoholic.

The tradition of eggnog cuisine has been adopted by Americans and Canadians. Eggnog's ancestors have a version called fosset, an egg milk alcoholic drink brewed by monks in medieval Europe.

Eggnog has many relatives. The Mexican drink rompopé appears to have been invented in convents in the 17th century. Indonesian Tetalua tea with yolk and condensed milk. It is also a distant relative of eggnog, which consists mainly of yolk and sugar.

African countries

Some African tribes, including the Masai, drink the blood of fresh cows mixed with milk. Partly traditional, partly forced action - in the heat, the body needs fluids and energy. Blood is obtained by carefully cutting the animal's carotid artery and does not cause serious damage.


Germans have dishes that inspire fear in all other Europeans. High quality raw pork without lard, with garlic, onion, spices and salt. Metta has strict standards. The fat content should not exceed 35%. In order to protect the meat from germs as much as possible, it is cooled to 2 degrees or less and cooked. Mett is usually eaten with a crispy white bun and fresh onions. Sometimes hedgehogs are sculpted in meta by inserting eye-olive and thorn-woven sticks.


The most striking dish in Vietnam is the raw cobra heart. Cobras die in front of those who eat them. The heart and gallbladder are pulled out. Then pour it into a container with rice vodka. The ritual participant then swallows the still beating heart and drinks it with vodka with blood. After that, it is better to take bile. After that, the cobra usually does not throw away. A variety of dishes are made from leather chips to soups.


The relationship between raw food and Italy is far more attractive than many others. The local crudo and carpaccio are pure delights prepared by everyone. Crudo is salt and pepper pickled fish or seafood in lemon or lime juice and drizzled with olive oil. Carpaccio - The thinnest, coldest slices of fresh raw beef seasoned with lemon, olive oil and balsamic marinade. They usually serve carpaccio with Parmesan cheese and tomatoes.

Crudo logically came out on its own, carpaccio has a writer. Owner of Venice Harry's Bar Giuseppe Cipriani. In 1950, an exhibition by the artist Vittore Carpaccio was held in Venice, and Giuseppe dedicated a snack to him.


Mexicans have a dish called escamol. Large black ant eggs lightly fried or raw with onion. Escamol has a pleasant taste. They eat eggs with guacamole and tortillas.


Tartar is fresh beef minced and seasoned with a mixture of vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper and onion. He is a Tatar steak. The French popularized tartare, but tartare, which originated in France, is practically unknown. According to one version, the Americans brought him there. The cuisine appeared in medieval Europe, according to others, thanks to the Crimean Tatars. They cut pieces of meat from the horses, salted them, and hid the meat under the saddle. After a few hours of driving, you can eat drenched, bloody horse meat.

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